Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Running around in circles

I'm currently sitting watching my puppy chase her tail. Besides realising that she is indeed a complete and utter spastic, it's reminding me of many aspects of my current situation...

At the moment I'm (theoretically) writing a thesis in order to complete my Hons in maths. For anyone that has no idea what that means, its hell. I have never tried to do anything quite so difficult in my entire life. I never imagined it would be this hard! The worst thing about it though is that I have been given a supervisor that has never had an honors student before. This in itself isn't a problem, but his refusal to ask anyone else questions and just giving me whatever answer he thinks sounds good to my questions.... THAT'S a problem!

I spent a good couple of hours today with another maths lecturer telling her how close to quitting I was. Although, for now, she has convinced me to keep going with it, theres no telling how soon she's going to find me in her office again. I realise that this isn't necessarily a bad thing, but why should I need to speak to someone completely unrelated to the entire problem? Why should I be the one that has to chase things up when I've already answered the questions multiple times? It's not my job to ask the questions, he gets PAID to take on this role and isn't asking the questions when he needs to, if I were to do that in my job, I wouldn't keep it for very long!!!

Sorry to be a whinger one and all, needed to vent....


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