Thursday, November 19, 2009


I'm so lucky! I don't think we hear those 3 words often enough in our lives, but I think that most of us are.

For me, there is so much that I should be thankful for in life. I am lucky enough to be at uni studying something that I actually enjoy - as strange as that may sound to some of you when you learn that its mostly maths. I have a home that I can go to whenever I need to chill. I have awesome friends that I can turn to when I really need them, and all of that is just a start. I think that we can forget all of this awesome stuff in our lives too easily. We need to take time to remember all that stuff that we do have so that we can appreciate it more.

I've found out that it is a possibility that my grandma may not still be with us at Christmas.  Not only is my nanna very ill at the moment, three years ago around this time we lost my Aunty and two years ago we lost my other grandma. At such a time for celebration and joy my family has many reasons to be burdened and down. But my question is what is the point?

Why be sad when you can be happy? Why mope around when you can celebrate what it is that they stood for in our lives and the lives of people they came into contact with. Its not easy, don't get me wrong, but it sure beats the hell out of being down all the time.

Too much of our lives are spent wasted thinking about the bad stuf in our lives, why not try considering all the good stuff - remember how lucky we really are.


Monday, November 2, 2009


So this is the new thing at the moment. Everyone is kinda into the blog thing and me being the 'techno nerd' thought I'd check it out too.... although im pretty sure I've done something fairly similar in the past and probably have another one of these things created out in the world wide web somewhere.

It kinda got me thinking though. How many of us do stuff on this thing once, forget all about it and virtually never come back? How many of us have left some imprint of out lives out there for others to see that we've forgotten all about? And it doesn't necessarily have to be an online imprint thats left...

I saw someone the other day that I'd met once at a party. I was shopping somewhere - strange coz I actually hate shopping - and this person that I recognised but couldn't put a name to if my life depended on it came straight up to me. For those that know me the next statement will probably sound strange - but me being a shy person would not have done this in a million years!

Anyway, this person that I cant name came up to me and said the most incredible thing. She looked me straight in the eye and said "You changed my life." I was not only confused but also slightly shocked. Not only did I have absolutely no idea what she was talking about, I was still trying to work out what it was that I had done that was so great.

Standing there in the middle of the shopping centre this girl told me how, thanks to me and how I'd spoken to her at this single meeting goodness knows how long ago she had made a series of decisions that changed her life for the better. I dont want to go into them here - thats for her to blog about, but lets just say they were incredibly significant decisions.

That brings me back to the questions. How many of us have had that off chance meeting where we have met someone and had the chance to really speak to someone - even if we dont know it at the time? Furthermore, how many have had the chance to be spoken to in a way that meant so much more than how it was intended? But perhaps the most important question, how many have said thanks to that person?

Believe me, THAT made my day...
